
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Poem: We Dissolve into the Sun

We Dissolve into the Sun

by Meg Smith

In afternoon rain in Cairo, a silver gush washes all --
knocks in a raspy speaker, a muezzin's plea,
and two near-empty coffee cups.
I look to you and see a friendship underlined,
a night blurring to the black space.
What comes before the orbs of monuments
over the brick walls of the cemetery,
what is going to wait between us.
Laughing ghosts, streets heavily lined,
moving between colors, enduring as they did in life,
with robust jokes, and the haze of fire over Giza.
Like sugar melting in tea,
silence melts between friends.

Meg Smith is a poet and journalist based in Lowell, Mass., her work has appeared or will appear in the 2010 and 2007 "Dwarf Stars" anthology by the Science Fiction Poetry Association, and in "Astropoetica," "Black Petals," "Dark Sky Magazine," "The Cafe Review," "Dreams And Nightmares," and others.

Link to her wonderful site:

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